Dear Fellow Alumni,

We have reached our half way point through the year and although we have been busy over the past six months the coming six months is shaping up to be a hive of activity. Before I begin I want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!
Fourth of July:
The Fourth of July is a seminal moment in our nation’s history. The holiday commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain.
This Declaration of Independence was precipitated by the legal separation of the original thirteen colonies from Great Britain which occurred on July 2, 1776. Once the resolution of independence had been proposed and voted on, the Congress then devoted itself to the Declaration of Independence which explained their decision. The wording of The Declaration of Independence was approved on July 4, 1776.
John Adams, a Founding Father of the Untied States, wrote to his wife Abigail the following in a letter on July 3, 1776:
The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.
Adams's prediction was off by two days. From the outset, Americans celebrated independence on July 4, the date shown on the much-publicized Declaration of Independence, rather than on July 2, the date the resolution of independence was approved in a closed session of Congress. And this is why we celebrate the Fourth of July as we do, with fireworks, patriotic events, and all manner of pomp. What a great country we are privileged to live in.
LEO Golf Tournament:
After much discussion and input from your Board of Directors, the decision has been made to cancel the LEO Golf Tournament scheduled for September 16th of this year. This event was to raise money for an extremely worthwhile cause, the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund as well as being a fund raiser for the FBICAAA. However, it proved to be a daunting task in coordination, logistics, securing sponsors and timing. A gallant effort was undertaken by many but with budget cuts, sequestration, and a soft economy, coupled by our alumni leaders having to drive the coordination while working full time jobs, the Board determined if we were going to do this we were going to do it right. As a result, we felt we could not represent the Alumni at the level we wanted with these headwinds in our face. Having said that, we will redirect our energies to those events that further the mission of the FBI and serve our Alumni.
FBI After Dark:
The good news is I have been coordinating with Paul Daymond to schedule an After Dark event with SAC Schwein. Although a date has not been scheduled, I do know it will be held in the early part of August on either a Tuesday or a Thursday. Times and venue have yet to be determined but when I do know I will put it on our website. The topic to be discussed will be recent events relative to the NSA and/or the IRS. Be sure not to miss this informative event. This event will be held in Birmingham however, I have asked Paul to see if SAC Schwein’s schedule can accommodate a similar event in the Huntsville area in the near future.
Range Day:
The day we as an Alumni live for!! We have a date! Range day will be Thursday, October 29th at the Jefferson County Sheriff’s range facilities. The FBI will be providing the ammunition and will bring their weaponry. This is a must attend event and we as an Alumni are privileged to have this opportunity. Our responsibility will be food and refreshments so be thinking of how you can help in that regard. This event will be attended by the local Birmingham media, focusing on the FBI so wear something nice in case you get caught on camera!
Thank you to all the alumni, the Board, and all the volunteers for a great year so far. I am looking forward to our upcoming events and joining with you in furthering the mission of the FBI in our communities.
Stay alert, stay informed, stay vigilant.
Your President,
Andrew Smith