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President's Message

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  • 03 Feb 2025 3:55 PM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    Call for Volunteers: FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association Board & Committee Team Opportunities  

    Dear FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association Members, 

    As we continue our mission to support the FBI and foster stronger community relationships, we are reaching out to you our valued members to consider taking a more active role in the Association. We are seeking dedicated individuals to volunteer for open positions on our Board of Directors and various committees. 

    Your participation is vital to the continued success and impact of our organization. By volunteering your time and talents, you can directly contribute to furthering our mission of our chapter - e.g., promoting understanding of the FBI's work, supporting community outreach initiatives, etc.

    We currently have openings for the following Board positions:

    • Vice President-Birmingham 
    • Secretary

    In addition to Board positions, we are also seeking volunteers for the following Committees and Teams:

    • Outreach Committee
    • Communications Team
    • Fundraising Committee
    • Technology Team

    Our Committees and Teams play a vital part in the continued success of our Association. 

    Serving on the Board or a committee is a rewarding opportunity to: 

    • Make a meaningful contribution to your community.
    • Develop your leadership and organizational skills.
    • Network with fellow alumni and FBI personnel.
    • Gain a deeper understanding of the FBI's mission and operations.            

    If you are passionate about our mission and have the time and dedication to contribute, we encourage you to consider volunteering.

     We appreciate your continued support of the FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association and look forward to welcoming new members to our leadership team. 


    Sam Roberts


    FBI Birmingham Citizens Academy Alumni Association

    If you have interest, contact us via email at: communications@fbicaaa-bham.org

  • 01 Jan 2025 3:52 PM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their efforts throughout the year. The success of our alumni association is built on the efforts of our members and in this past year, we have faced several challenges and enjoyed some successes. Thank you for the commitment of each of you and especially to the Board, I extend a special thanks for its dedication.

    We’ve come through a year that was filled with two wonderful classes in Huntsville and Birmingham. On behalf of the Birmingham FBI Citizens

    Academy Alumni Association, please allow me to extend my personal and genuine appreciation to each and every one you for your valuable

    contributions to our efforts. Working with you this past year has been a pleasure and I’m proud of all of you.

    Your support is even more critical this coming year as we are faced with new challenges and with your partnership and joint efforts we will continue to thrive and serve the FBI as community ambassadors.

    I offer our best wishes and happiness to you and your families as we all look forward to a successful and rewarding 2025.



  • 05 Dec 2024 7:51 AM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    Welcome to all of the graduates of Birmingham Class of 2024!

    We encourage all new Graduates to join the Alumni Association and volunteer you time and talents in continuing the mission we have accepted from the SAC and the Director to act as Ambassadors furthering the public perception of the FBI. A reminder for all members as well as new Alumni. Our annual meeting is on December 5th in Cullman. Go to the website and get your tickets, I look forward to seeing each of you as we look forward to an active and rewarding 2025.

    We have adopted the cause of Elder Fraud for the coming year and we are planning events that will engage the membership in offering training on methods to prevent fraud and more importantly, we will have seminars with FBI agents outlining steps to be taken for filing complaints when a fraud has been discovered. We envision being able to take this presentation to small and large groups throughout the Birmingham area of operation.

    It is that time of year again when we reflect on the blessings that have been bestowed upon all of us in this great nation. I hope each of you find peace and happiness. A perfect day to be surrounded by family and friends.

    Merry Christmas


  • 01 Nov 2024 12:24 PM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    The mission of the FBI is "to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States". Elder Fraud is considered fraudulent activity targeting individuals aged 60 or older. As part of the FBI's mission, the FBI pursues ways to combat criminals targeting seniors in alignment with internal and external partnerships through the Department of Justice's Elder Fraud Initiative.

    Through IC3.gov , the FBI has created a public avenue for seniors to report fraud. IC3 receives and tracks thousand of complaints daily. IC3 reporting is key to identifying, investigating, and holding these criminal actors accountable for their actions.

    Do not be afraid to report a suspected crime. IC3 promises you are not alone. Millions of elderly Americans fall victim to financial fraud through a fraud scheme committed on the internet.

    Just this year I was advised someone had used my name and Information to make an substantial loan from the Pay Check Protection program.  When the Small Business Administration did not receive any repayment, they, of course, came looking for me for payment of outstanding debt. I certainly was surprised my info had been used and I immediately reported the crime to IC3.gov.  The FBI has opened a file and this case is being investigated.

    If you, or someone you know, is a victim of a fraud or scam, do not hesitate to file a complaint with the IC3.gov.

    We are looking to train and deploy teams of our members to help Seniors learn the ways to avoid and to report fraud.  Please talk with your Board members about participating in this effort.

    We are dedicated to supporting the FBI mission.

    Warmest Regards,


  • 02 Oct 2024 8:29 AM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    Lately the world can seem like a dangerous place. We read the daily reports about increasing crime rates in our communities, saddened by the most recent school shooting in Winder, Ga, the shooting in Birmingham’s Southside and to make us even more on edge continuing global terrorist attacks.

    The nightly news reports are enough to make want to only speak to the world through locked doors. The law enforcement agencies who serve our communities need our support and sponsorship to assist them in their outreach to those who need the help the most. By engaging community leaders to work with and share their ideas and concerns with law enforcement agencies, we can work together to face the uncertainty around us. We need to help in educating both our communities and those who serve them. We can bring the necessary parties together to find solutions to our community problems. The more familiar we can make community aware of those resources around us, the greater the chance of we have of knowing who to call in times of need. We can promote events that range from cybercrime, human trafficking, community policing, and elder fraud. Our presence can be valuable to our Community.

    We know there are often no easy solutions to complex problems; but the more we learn about the world around us, the greater the chance of success when problems are approached together. we are actively involved in a host of diverse issues in our communities we are looking for ways to better connect with our communities.

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions on programs we can use expand our involvement. We are looking for ways to engage our membership and continue to fulfill the opportunity we have to expand our community outreach.

    Have a great month!


  • 02 Aug 2024 9:10 AM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    I am deeply saddened and concerned about the recent attempt on former President Trump’s life during a campaign rally.

    This event demonstrates how Law Enforcement, Federal, State and Local, will always have difficulty in protecting any of us from the lone crazy shooter. Unfortunately, there were some injuries to the President and his supporters and sadly one casualty before the shooter could be neutralized. Further loss was avoided by the rapid response of the counter sniper teams.

    Personally, I believe in supporting each other, especially in times of crisis. Now is the time for us to stand united as a country and reflect on the importance of civility. I hope everyone can find a way to come together and show care and respect for one another, regardless of political differences.

    To keep our nation strong and united, we must stay true to our values. This nation has always survived by coming together during trying times.

    My thoughts are with Trump and his family and the families of attendees that were wounded or killed in this senseless act.



  • 03 Jul 2024 10:10 AM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    Elder Fraud, in Focus

    Elder fraud complaints to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) increased by 14% in 2023, and associated losses increased by about 11%, according to IC3 Elder Fraud Report released April 30.

    This annual publication provides statistics about incidents of elder fraud—or fraud that explicitly targets older Americans’ money or cryptocurrency—that are reported to IC3. The report aims to raise the public’s awareness of this issue and to prevent future and repeat incidents.

    And elder fraud is probably a more insidious threat than the report shows. Many of these crimes likely go unreported, and, as the report states, “only about half” of the fraud scam complaints submitted to IC3 in 2023 included victims’ ages.

    Here are five key takeaways from the report.

    1. Elder fraud is an expensive crime. Scams targeting individuals aged 60 and older caused over $3.4 billion in losses in 2023—an increase of approximately 11% from the year prior. The average victim of elder fraud lost $33,915 due to these crimes in 2023.

    2. Older Americans seem to be disproportionately impacted by scams and fraud. Over 101,000 victims aged 60 and over reported this kind of crime to IC3 in 2023. On the flip side, victims under the age of 20 years old seemed to be the least-impacted demographic, with about 18,000 victims in this demographic reporting suspected scams or frauds to IC3 last year.

    3. Tech support scams were the most widely reported kind of elder fraud in 2023.Nearly 18,000 victims aged 60 and over reported such scams to IC3. Personal data breaches, confidence and romance scams, non-payment or non-delivery scams, and investment scams rounded out the top five most common types of elder fraud reported to IC3 last year.

    4. Investment scams were the costliest kind of elder fraud in 2023. These schemes cost victims more than $1.2 billion in losses last year. And tech support scams, business email compromise scams, confidence and romance scams, government impersonation scams, and personal data breaches all respectively cost victims hundreds of millions of dollars in 2023.

    5. Scammers are coming for people’s cryptocurrency. More than 12,000 victims aged 60 and over indicated that cryptocurrency was “a medium or tool used to facilitate” the scam or fraud that targeted them when reporting it to IC3.

    The FBIBCAAA looks forward to assisting our local Field Office in fighting Elder Fraud. There will be detailed information in the coming months about our further efforts to support our mission.

    Have a great Summer,


  • 30 May 2024 9:00 AM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    “Presidents letter due today…”

    It has been my experience that These are often the four most dreaded words by every non profit leader when it’s time to send the member newsletter , so bear with me as I post my first communication—

    As your new president, I want take this opportunity to thank our Board members past and present that have devoted many hours to our mission and I ask all of our members to welcome the Spring 2024 graduating class of the Huntsville Academy.

    Over the next months, I will be reaching out to all our members to request your help in growing our membership and asking for your suggestions of programs and events you would like to have.  Our alumni association fills an important local role is supporting the FBI’s community mission and I look forward to talking with each of you on your ideas to grow our efforts and expand our outreach.

    Please reach out directly to me with any ideas, questions or concerns.  We are the collective product of our entire membership and each of us has some idea for community engagement, please take a minute and call/text/email me your ideas.

    I am honored and humbled to have been selected by the board and pledge my energies to growing the Birmingham/Huntsville chapter to new heights.

    Best Regards,


  • 01 Apr 2024 9:09 AM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    Happy Spring Season and March Madness!!

    I hope that this April Edition of our FBICAAA Newsletter finds all of you well and in good health!!!

    As we move towards the end of the first Quarter of 2024, please be mindful that we are still focusing on participating in Quarterly Activities that will help keep us engaged in the community. If you have not done so already, please be sure and mark your calendars for the 2024 Birmingham Civil Rights Conference taking place April 15th and 16th at the Historic Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. We have been asked by our local FBI Birmingham Division to assist in hosting this event so please let us know if you are available to volunteer either day by registering under FBICAAA at https://www.bcri.org/event/civilrightscon2024 .

    Our One-On-One Meeting with SAC Carlton Peeples took place on March 11th at FBI Headquarters. It was a good opportunity for both the SAC and Board Members to conduct a candid conversation about our role and more importantly our partnership efforts with the local FBI. Many comments, recommendations and perspectives came out as a result of the gathering which will be shared once we have compiled various notes taken by those in attendance.

    The first day for the FBICAAA Huntsville Class was held on Tuesday, March 26th at 6:00 , hosted by our Huntsville Chapter. Good luck to this new group!

    Also keep in mind our fellow board members, some who are still dealing with various health challenges as well as others who are experiencing new health concerns at this time. Compassion for our fellow man is important and I think we can all appreciate it if someone shows kindness, caring and a willingness to help others, especially members of this notable organization.

    In closing, I’d like to take a moment  of personal privilege to SAY THANKS TO EACH OF YOU for your hard work, dedication and support in making this organization meaningful for others. Your commitment has not gone unnoticed and I am appreciative for all who continue to support me during this term. Of note, there will be some additional changes that will be shared with all at a later date so stay tuned for updates.

    Best regards,


  • 05 Mar 2024 4:15 PM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

    Happy March Team!!

    I hope that this March Edition of our FBICAAA Newsletter finds you well!!!

    I want to first start off by saying THANKS AGAIN to all the Board Members in attendance{especially the Huntsville Contingent} on February 3rd at our Annual Board Summit held on the beautiful campus of Lawson State Community College. My sincere gratitude also goes out to Dr. Cynthia Anthony who provided the facility and the equipment to ensure that our meeting was resourceful and productive. A lot of great recommendations came out as a result of this gathering and as a Neophyte in my role as President, I am reinvigorated as to what the group has committed to accomplish this year.

    One main consensus from the meeting was for the CAAA to be more involved with FBI-related activities in the community at a minimum on a “Quarterly Basis”. With that focus in mind, plans are in the works for the following activities:

    Ø One-On-One Meeting with SAC Carlton Peeples{Board Members Only} - March 11th

    Ø FBICAAA First Day Huntsville Class{YEAH!!!} - March 26th (Details-To-Follow}

    Ø FBICAAA March Board Meeting – March 19th @ 6:00 Via TEAMS {Details-To-Follow}

    Ø Meet and Greet Reception with the Huntsville Class (TBD)

    In our efforts to increase promotion of the CAAA, I am encouraging my fellow members to submit any special announcements, highlights and any newsworthy items you would like for us to include in our monthly publication. As an extra bonus, we will be featuring “Member Spotlight” articles with bios to showcase what our Membership is doing to promote Servant Leadership in the community.

    A special “thank you” to Tanveer Patel, one of our newest Board Members who not only volunteered to host some chapter events this year to keep our membership engaged but who will also be assisting Chris Huys as part of our IT Team. We are still in need of a Treasurer for the CAAA and would love to have someone in place by the end of the first quarter so please let me know ASAP if anyone is interested in filling this position.

    In closing, I would appreciate you taking a moment to send out some words of encouragement to Alex Brewer and Rish Wood who are both experiencing some health challenges at this time and I’m sure would welcome hearing a friendly voice to help boost their recovery efforts.

    Best regards,


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            The FBI Birmingham Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBIBCAAA) is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from the FBI.

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