Dear Fellow Alumni,
It has been an honor to serve as president of this organization for the past year. I am indebted to the outgoing officers and board of directors for their time and expertise, and to the committee chairs for their enthusiasm for the initiatives that we have undertaken this year. But above all, I am grateful to SAC Pat Maley and COS Paul Daymond, whose unwavering support made all of our activities and outreach programs possible.
This has been a year of building friendships and strengthening relationships with fellow alumni and with the outstanding agents and personnel of the FBI as we worked together to serve our community. As the year draws to a close, I would like to take a moment to reflect on what we have accomplished in the last twelve months.
We have had a busy and productive year: the Alumni participated in our first Range Day, distributed Child ID kits at National Night Out and Be Ready Day, sponsored Citizens Academy classes in Huntsville and Birmingham, held events in Huntsville and Birmingham featuring special speakers, kicked off our sponsorship of the FBI-SOS (Safe Online Surfing) program, contributed to the National Law Enforcement Museum building fund, and embarked on our second annual Alumni Field Trip to the FBI Training Academy and FBIHQ. If you weren't able to participate in these events, I encourage you to visit our photo gallery to see what you missed!
The coming year promises to build on this momentum. The newly-elected officers and board of directors are committed to strengthening the organization, but their success is dependent on your involvement. There are many opportunities on the horizon for leadership and service and I hope that you will consider ways that you can get involved in the new year.
Heather White
P.S. Click here to review the officers and board for 2011.