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A Message from the President March 2023

02 Mar 2023 6:34 PM | Christopher Huys (Administrator)

Happy March!

I hope that all of you are doing well!

There are no Birmingham or Huntsville FBICA graduates who do not know Paul Daymond. You were all selected by Paul to participate in the FBICA and he has always been known to choose the best of the best! Paul has been the backbone of the FBICA classes throughout the years and has set the bar to a very high standard. In case you don’t know, Paul is no longer with the Birmingham Division of the FBI and will now be working directly for our former SAS, Johnnie Sharp in Huntsville. I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank Paul for all of his support for our organization over the years. He is a dear friend to many of us. Paul, best of luck in your new role.

As we say goodbye to Paul, we also welcome a new SAC to Birmingham. I had the privilege of meeting SAC Carlton Peeples recently to review our Memorandum of Agreement for the FBICAAA for 2023. Mr. Peeples is very excited to be in Birmingham and looks forward to working with us as we continue to support the FBI with our outreach programs.

It’s going to be a stellar year with the FBICAAA! My hope is that you will look for opportunities to network and serve. Our board of directors works hard to put together events that will bring us together and make us a Chapter of Excellence. We hope to see you soon!



            The FBI Birmingham Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBIBCAAA) is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from the FBI.

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