Greetings Fellow Alumni,
I know I speak for our entire Board of Directors when I say we are very excited about the opportunities 2017 holds for our organization. Thank you in advance for your commitment to the success of our chapter. While we are still putting final touches on the calendar, I wanted to share the events we already have on the calendar for 2017:
- Monthly Board Meetings (the 3rd Tuesday of each month)
- March, May, August and November meetings will be held in Huntsville
All other meetings will be held in Birmingham
All members are welcome at our board meetings
- Partnership with Hazardous Devices School
Members in good standing have the opportunity to engage with the Hazardous Devices School from March through September 2017 by participating in a training session
Please call me for more details if you are interested in volunteering for this unique opportunity!
We started with 42 opportunities to serve and currently have 6 opportunities still available
- Chasing the Dragon Presentation
- This documentary was produced by the FBI on the growing opioid epidemic
Subject matter experts will be on hand to discuss the issue after the film is shown
- Birmingham event will be held at Boutwell Auditorium on March 6th from 930am-Noon
FREE and open to the public however reservations required through Event Brite
- Huntsville event date and time TBD (will be in the evening)
- Quarterly After-Dark Events
These evening events allow us to socialize as a group and interact with SAC Stanton
- We are planning at least two Huntsville and two Birmingham events
The first will be at the March 18th Huntsville Havoc game
- Discounted $11 per person reserved seats - Alumni and Family are welcome
- Time for pre-game social and any other pre-game activities to be announced soon
- 700 pm game starts
- Stay tuned for Event Brite invitation
- Huntsville Citizens Academy
- Classes begin March 21st and graduation is May 16th
- We welcome all Alumni to come and make the class feel welcome
- Also, we will need food and drink donations for opening night
- Active Shooter Workshop Conducted by Department of Homeland Security
- Wednesday March 22nd – all day event
- Discovery Center III, 655 Discovery Drive, Huntsville
- Open to the public by reservations required
- Co-sponsored by FBICAAA and InfraGard
- CAFY (Community Action For Youth)
- July 29th - Huntsville Jaycee’s Building - Volunteers needed to staff FBICAAA booth
- National Night Out
- October 3rd at Huntsville Jaycee’s Building - Volunteers needed to staff FBICAAA booth
- Birmingham event date TBD
- Annual community-building event that promotes police-community partnerships
- Range Day in Fall 2017 - Birmingham
- Open to all Members in good standing
- SWAT Team Demonstration
- Bomb Demonstration with Bomb Techs
- Joint event with InfraGard
- Tour of FBI Hazardous Devices School in the Fall of 2017
- Many of our alumni will have had first-hand experience about what goes on at HDS
- Please consider supporting the FBI through volunteering to role-play in an HDS training session
- Annual Quantico Trip
- October 23rd – 27th
- Travelling with Alumni from Milwaukee Chapter this year
- Maximum 20 Attendees (Alumni in good standing and one Guest only for HQ and Quantico portions)
- Registration to open soon
- Interpol is once again among the organizations being toured
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions related to our Chapter. I welcome your feedback and participation.
Jonathan Kirby
President - Birmingham FBICAAA
256-722-3514 (o)
256-539-8783 (c)