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President's Message

  • 19 Nov 2012 12:51 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Fellow Alumni,  Don Lupo


    Our organization has reached its highest-ever level of membership and we have thriving programs in place in both Birmingham and Huntsville. The coming year is going to be awesome, and we want YOU to be a part of it!


    Please consider serving on the FBICAAA Board of Directors.


    Several positions are coming open on the Board. Positions to be filled include slots for Huntsville and Birmingham CA graduates. The Board needs ACTIVE PARTICIPANTS. The board meets monthly and at other times as needed. Board members are expected to serve on and/or chair committees and special events and to take an active role in FBICAAA activities. It is recognized that the FBICAAA board is a volunteer endeavor. However, it is also recognized that board  membership comes with responsibilities that are endowed by the membership at large. All Board members thus recognize their obligations to be responsible to their election by fellow alumni as well as respecting the time and effort of other Board members.


    All alumni interested in serving on the board should submit an application to the Nominating Committee for consideration by 5pm on Thursday, November 29. Board members will be elected at the annual meeting and will serve a two-year term (January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2014). An application form and list of qualification is available on our website [CLICK HERE]. For questions, please contact the Nominations Committee at fbicaaa_bham@hotmail.com.


    Please consider joining us in leading the efforts of the FBICAAA in the coming year!


    As always, we want and strive to make our nation safer.


    Sincerely and thank you,

    Don Lupo


  • 25 Oct 2012 10:01 PM | Anonymous
    Dear Fellow Alumni,Don Lupo

    I have never been more excited to be your president than I am today.

    Our chapter has never been in a better position to do great things for our state and the 31 counties in the jurisdiction of the FBI Birmingham Field Office than it is now.

    I told you in my last post that we were gaining momentum.  We are.  The final quarter of 2012 is going to be great, and next year will be even better.  I urge you to get involved now.  TRUST ME.  There are huge things on the horizon and you will definitely want to be a part of it.

    Here's a brief glimpse at what is coming:

    • November 13 - The Fall Citizens Academy Class will graduate.  All alumni are invited to come back to the FBI building to reconnect with the alumni association and to meet the newest group of leaders to complete the academy.  [Click HERE to register]
    • November 18 - We have the honor--and the responsibility--of being the first chapter to host a screening of the movie,  Heroes Behind The Badge.  We've booked the Alabama Theatre for the event and  we need your help to fill the seats.  So mark your calendars: we need people to help raise funds and we need volunteers to staff the event.  Most of all we need you to help spread the word!   [Click HERE for more information]
    • December 4 - Don't miss our annual meeting!  We'll be meeting at UAB Highlands Hospital again this year for elections, a report on the year's activities, and an outline of things to come.  Make plans now to attend!  [Click HERE for more information]
    • April 15 - Introducing the Law Enforcement Open (the LEO) golf tournament.  Under the leadership of Charles Perry this will be a unique experience for everyone.  Make plans now to help.  [Details to follow soon]

    We're increasing our communiction channels to help YOU stay more connected with the FBICAAA:

    Find us on FBWe have a brand-new Facebook Page!  Please find us on Facebook and "Like Us" to stay connected.

    TwitterWe have a brand-new Twitter Account!  You can find us on Twitter @FBICAAA.  Please "Follow Us" to stay connected.

    ebsiteWe have an new-and-improved Website!  Please continue to check the site for the latest information about the FBICAAA.

    October was a busy month:

    • Range Day was a huge success.
    • National Night Out in Homewood went smoothly.  Our association was well represented as we passed out child ID kits and safety information to the attendees.
    • Our new SAC, Rick Schwein, will be on site soon.  We met him at Range Day.  He's full of new ideas and promises to be a strong ally as we build our association.

    I say this to you every time I write, but I mean it every time: we want and strive to make our nation safer.

    Don Lupo

  • 01 Oct 2012 7:00 PM | Anonymous
    Dear Fellow Alumni,Don Lupo

    The summer has brought many changes.  SAC Maley is now the Inspector General of South Carolina and ASAC Fletcher has retired and moved to Texas. We embrace the changes and we look forward to great times under our new SAC, who will be arriving in November..

    Make plans to come to RANGE DAY on October 11 and meet our new SAC.

    It seems funny to write October. Where has this year gone? Your FBI CAAA has had a wonderful and busy year. I hope you will take the time to look at the events and the gallery to see all the great things your alumni association has done.

    The Fall 2012 Citizens Academy class is underway in Birmingham. The class is comprised of 28 of the city’s best business, civic and community leaders. I know many of these people personally and am proud to welcome them to the FBI Citizens Academy. We look forward to them joining our ranks in the Alumni Association when they graduate.

    Heather White and I just returned from the National Leadership Congress in Denver. We had a great trip and many opportunities to network with FBI CAAA members from 56 chapters from across America. I can tell you that our chapter ranks up there with the best. You can be proud of all of the activities that we are involved in.

    One of the action items you will be hearing about shortly is HEROES BEHIND the BADGE. Your alumni association will be bring to a local theater this beautiful and thought provoking motion picture. It will be a night you will not want to miss.
    Stay tuned to our website for more information.

    One of the items that all chapters struggle with is retention of members and the funds that it takes to make a chapter run. We will have over 100 members by the end of the year. 2012 will be our most successful year in membership since we started. However, we know we can’t do all we plan or need to do with our membership dues only.

    Our Fundraising Committee and the Board of Directors are planning our first golf tournament. You are going to hear a lot about THE LEO golf tournament over the next few months. Mark April 15, 2013 on your calendar. Come play golf or volunteer on that day and let’s raise some money for THE FALLEN OFFICERS FUND and for your FBI CAAA.

    2012 is almost over and 2013 promises to be an even better year for the FBICAAA.  Please let me encourage you to join us. Pay your dues and enjoy all the benefits of full membership. As always, I want to remind you to adopt our mission statement. We all want to strive to make our Nation safer together.

    Don Lupo

  • 05 Jul 2012 6:05 PM | Anonymous
    Dear Fellow Alumni,Don Lupo

    As we swelter in the summer heat, I want to challenge you to seize the opportunity for leadership and service.  Each of us was selected for the FBI Citizens Academy because we are business, civic, and community leaders--and I firmly believe that if our organization were to fully leverage the talents, abilities, and resources of our members, we could set our communities on fire!

    The FBICAAA is a vibrant and growing organization.  If you haven't been actively involved, I encourage you to get involved.  We make a difference.  And we have fun at the same time. 

    This past month we sponsored a members-only Law of the Gun training event that was both educational and fun--click here to learn more about it and to view photos.

    Don't miss the opportunity to get involved this summer:

    • A CERT training class will take place in Huntsvile July 9- August 27.  Click HERE for more information.
    • We'll be supporting National Night Out in three locations this year.  On August 7, consider volunteering for a shift in one of our booths in Alabaster, Homewood, or Huntsville as we distribute Child ID kits and other safety information to families in our area. Click HERE for more information.
    • Join us in Denver for the National Leadership Congress September 19-22 as we gather with other chapters in the mile-high city.  Click HERE to learn more.

    The Birmingham and Huntsville Event Committees have more exciting events in the planning pipeline: the ever-popular Alumni Range Day, Community Awareness Day, a Gun Safety and Awareness event, and an Alumni Golf Tournament

    Our membership drive is underway. We're doing some big things in the FBICAAA, and we want YOU to be a part of it! So, if you haven't already paid your dues for 2012, please take a moment to do it today. Dues are tax deductible and help us carry out our mission. Click HERE for more information.

    As always, I want to remind you to adopt our Mission Statement. We all want and strive to make our Nation safer together.

    Let's keep the momentum going!

    Don Lupo

  • 15 Jun 2012 3:01 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Fellow Alumni,Don Lupo

    The FBICAAA is strong and growing stronger!

    May was a busy month:

    • The graduation of the Huntsville Citizens Academy added 22 new alumni to our ranks.  I was impressed with the enthusiasm and energy of the Huntsville Class of 2012, and I know that each of them has something that can help make our Alumni Association the best in the nation.  We will soon have photos from the event posted to our website, so check back soon.

    • Over 100 FBICAAA alumni, FBI personnel, and their families on an Elephant Walk!   We gathered at Sundown at the Birmingham Zoo where we enjoyed the hospitality of Dr. Bill Foster and his staff.  It was a great time for food, fellowship, and a behind-the-scenes look at the animals.  If you weren't able to make it, you missed a wonderful experience.  Click HERE to view photos.

    The upcoming summer months also bring opportunities for service and education in Birmingham and Huntsville, and I encourage you to get involved.  You won't want to miss the upcoming Law of the Gun training event on June 23rd, and National Night Out service event on August 7th. More activiites are being planned, so stay tuned.

    Don't forget that our membership drive is underway.  We're doing some big things in the FBICAAA, and we want YOU to be a part of it!  So, if you haven't already paid your dues for 2012, please take a moment to do it today.  Dues are tax deductible and help us carry out our mission.  Click HERE for more information.

    As always, I want to take a moment and remind you to adopt our Mission Statement. We all want and strive to make our Nation safer together.

    Sincerely and Thank you,

    Don Lupo

  • 07 May 2012 9:42 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Fellow Alumni,Don Lupo

    I am pleased to announce that our chapter has a new website!  This website is our chapter's information hub; I hope that you will return here often to keep informed about events and activities and to connect with your Alumni Association.

    Some of the enhancements to our website include:

    • a password protected members-only area (COMING SOON!)
    • an expanded photo gallery (COMING SOON!)
    • a membership directory and the ability to manage your contact information online ((COMING SOON!)
    • the ability to pay your dues online.

    We wrapped up the month of April with a memorable FBI After Dark event. About 35 of us gathered at Nabeel's cafe in Homewood to hear SAC Maley brief us on the Ulugbek Kodirov case.   If you weren't there, you missed a real treat!  Click here to view photos.

    The Events Committee has been hard at work planning a slate of activities for the next few months.  You won't want to miss the upcoming  Sundown at the Zoo, and the Law of the Gun training event. More activiites are being planned, so stay tuned.

    As always, I want to take a moment and remind you to adopt our Mission Statement. We all want and strive to make our Nation safer together.

    Sincerely and Thank you,

    Don Lupo

  • 17 Apr 2012 12:00 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Fellow Alumni,Don Lupo

    The year is going strong, and your board has been hard at work to provide leadership and programs which will benefit our membership and our communities. 

    • The Huntsville branch of our chapter is active.  The current Citizens Academy is underway and will be new graduates will be joining the ranks of the Alumni Association next month.  Several Huntsville Alumni are enrolled in CERT Training, and have formed a FBICAAA CERT response team.
    • The Birmingham Events Committee has been busy as well.  You won't want to miss the upcoming FBI After Dark program, the Sundowner at the Zoo, and the Law of the Gun training. More information about these events will be available shortly.

    As always, I want to take a moment and remind you to adopt our Mission Statement. We all want and strive to make our Nation safer together.

    Sincerely and Thank you,

    Don Lupo

  • 20 Jan 2012 11:54 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Fellow Alumni,Don Lupo

    Happy New Year! I am proud to report that your FBICAAA is strong and growing. We did many good things last year. To name a few, we made our trip to Quantico and FBI Headquarters, we participated in Community Awareness Day and National Night Out, we were able to help two of our Alumni after the tornado, we had a FATS Day at the FBI Building, we had a holiday party where we honored Paul Daymond, and we established our After Dark series in Huntsville and Birmingham. We also achieved the highest level of paid membership since our incorporation. So 2011 was a good year. Thanks to all.

    2012 offers us the opportunity to do so much more and we will seize that opportunity.  Our first order of business was to elect officers for 2012. Several people stepped up and answered the call for office and I am very proud to announce we have elected a great slate of officers.  At the Board Meeting we also announced committee assignments.  I am excited to have these officers and committee chairs to help lead our FBICAAA for 2012.

    It was my honor to be in a leadership position in 2011. I am even more excited about returning as your president for 2012. I am pleased to announce that the folks elected to the Board from Huntsville are no longer ex-officio.  You elected a strong group to serve you on the Board and now the Board has elected a group of officers that are going to lead us and do many exciting things in 2012.   I am excited that in a short time we will have a class starting in Huntsville and it will not be long till Birmingham kicks in again.

    Many ask, “Why should we pay dues?”  The answer is simple:  you get special invitations to events and the right to participate in those events that the general membership doesn’t get. Only dues paying members can go on the Alumni Field Trip to FBI Headquarters and Quantico in March. Only dues paying members can go to Range Day or FATS Day. So pay your dues and don’t miss out on any opportunity that is offered. You can pay by credit card, PayPal or check. Just visit the website for instructions.

    Let me again point you to the website to see your slate of new officers, committee chairs and the calendar that offers opportunities for you to participate.

    As always, I want to take a moment and remind you to adopt our Mission Statement. We all want and strive to make our Nation safer together.

    Sincerely and Thank you,

    Don Lupo

  • 09 Jan 2012 11:04 PM | Anonymous
    Don Lupo

    Dear Fellow Alumni,


    We had a great 2011. However, that is in the past. As we embark on 2012, there are items of business to be handled. The Nominating Committee put out the call for nominations for a new Board of Directors and the new Board was elected at the Annual Meeting. So, let me welcome the new Board Members. Now it is time for the Board to elect new officers for our FBI CAAA. The call has gone out and next week at our Board Meeting that will be held at FBI Building we will elect new officers to lead the group for 2012. I am excited about the new members and the possibilities they bring to the table.

    Dues for 2012 are payable. You can pay online by PayPal or download the form and mail your check to the address given on the FBI CAAA website. We ended 2011 with the largest membership ever.   I am confident that 2012 will be even better and that more things will be offered to you as dues paying members that are exclusive to you.


    One of those exclusive offers our annual Alumni Field Trip and the opportunity to go to Quantico and FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC. Mark your calendar for March 26, 27 and 28 and check the website for details. I have not been able to make this trip in the past, but I hope to be able to attend this year. All reports are that it is a DO NOT MISS trip. 


    I am excited about our organization’s sixth year. Thanks to all the Alumni for sharing the goals that are in our Mission Statement. We all want and strive to make our Nation safer.

    Sincerely and Thank you,
    Don Lupo

  • 07 Nov 2011 10:59 PM | Anonymous
    Don Lupo

    Dear Fellow Alumni,

    It has been a phenomenal year!  Our organization is thriving and growing.  The number of active members is at the highest level in our organization’s history.  Last week I had the honor of speaking at the graduation of the Birmingham Class, where 20 outstanding individuals joined the elite ranks of Citizens Academy graduates.  Their enthusiasm is contagious and I know that they will strengthen our organization as they get involved in the Alumni Association.

    The year is drawing to a close but it is far from over!   I am excited to tell you about some important activities that are planned for the next few months.  All alumni are invitedundefinedso please mark your calendars and plan to get involved!

    • CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – FBICAAA Board of Directors:
      Several positions are coming open on the Board of Directors for next year.  Positions to be filled include slots for Huntsville and Birmingham CA graduates.  All alumni interested in serving on the board should submit an application to the Nominating Committee for consideration by Friday, November 11.  Board members will be elected at the annual meeting and will serve a two-year term (January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2013).  Click HERE to learn more about the qualifications for board service and to obtain an application form.
    • ALUMNI PARTY - November 20th:
      Believe it or not, this year marks our chapter’s 5th anniversary!  Please join us on Sunday, November 20th, as we return to the scene of our very FIRST alumni event for a party to kick off the holiday season.  We’ll be honoring Paul Daymond for his service to our chapter and we hope that everyone will join us for this event!  It will be a great opportunity to reconnect with alumni from Birmingham and Huntsville CA Classes and to visit with FBI instructors and retired agents previously involved with the Citizens Academy. Click HERE for more information and to register.
    • ANNUAL MEETING and BOARD ELECTIONS – December 8th:
      All alumni are invited to attend our annual meeting on Thursday, December 8th.  We will have a special guest speaker and present a report of the year’s activities, hold board elections, and announce plans for the coming year.  More details will follow soon, but please save the date!  We hope that each of you will plan to be there.
      You also know that we’re in the midst of a membership drive.  It’s not too late to join the FBICAAA!  As part of this campaign, anyone paying their dues between now and the end of the year will have their membership extended through the end of 2012 at no additional cost.  Dues are tax deductible and help us carry out our mission.  So don’t wait!  Join today!  Click
      HERE for more information.

    It has been an honor to serve as your president this year.  Let’s keep the momentum going!

    Sincerely and Thank you,
    Don Lupo

            The FBI Birmingham Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBIBCAAA) is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from the FBI.

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